Contact Me/ Review Policy

Hai! This is my where you will find out how to contact me!

For Bloggers
Hai! If you are interested in doing a guest post just comment below what you want to do and your email and I will email you. Once you have worked out what you want to do email me with the subject *insert your name*'s Guest Post/Interview. If you have any questions feel free to send me an email! You are also allowed to do an interview, so just tell me. If you have any ideas, questions, review recommendations or want me to do a guest post email me with the subject It's Looking A Bit Mitty- My Idea/Question/Recommendation.

P.S:If you don't have an email, just comment down below. Also, the design of this Cintact Me is based of Noor's. So the design credits of this section goes to Noor!

Review Policy

I will not accept ebooks.

I will accept any YA genres except for:


-Non-Fiction (I will consider biographies or memoirs)

If you are an author, publisher or want to recommend a book, please send an email including:

- Your Name/ Author's Name

- Publisher

- Book Name

- Blurb

- Genre

My email address is:

Rose :3

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Sup. A little bird told me you're about to leave a comment on one of my posts. That's fine, I appreciate it! But please do not comment anything rude or offensive. Well, happy commenting.

Rose :3