Thursday, 14 July 2016

Rising Authors Tag

so, i decided a good way to start the revamped blog is with a tag! i saw this on noor's blog, so you should definitely check her's out. this is the Rising Authors Tag!


1) Write a post thanking the person who tagged you: include the tag, the 11 questions asked, your answers, and, in reply to the request for a small piece of prose or poetry, share a 150-word story.
2) At the end of the post, provide 11 new questions.
3) Request a brief 150-word story from the people you tagged.
4) Tag at least one person, and include a link to their blog.


1) Write on paper or on the computer?
Computer. i will write on paper if i have to, but writing on the computer is easier for me and much easier to correct mistakes.

2) On average, how many words do you write in one session?
it depends on how I'm feeling. if i really feel like writing probably 1000- 1500. But on average around 900.

3) Fanfiction: yay or nay?
I've never actually read fanfiction, but i'm  open to the idea. i tried to write a doctor who fanfic, it did not go well.

4) Have you ever done NaNoWriMo? If so, did you win, and did you like or dislike it?
i have never done NaNoWriMo, but i might do it this year.

5) Do you share your writing with your family/close friends?
Sometimes with my parents, but i prefer to keep it to myself until i'm happy to get a second opinion.

6) What are some of the most helpful pieces of writing advice you've heard?
The reader is a friend, not a spectator.

7) Do you write poetry?
yes i do. though, it usually is quite dark.

.8) Describe 3 characters from stories that you've written.
i could list all of the characters i've called miranda, but then we'd be here for days, instead i'll list one Miranda and two others.

Miranda, a normal thirteen year-old girl who is sassy and sarcastic and slightly confused about many things and also her finger is on fire for no reason.

charlie, a guy who has to put up with his extremely annoying and slightly cute best friend/ flatmate/ love interest, oscar.

cassy, a woman of 21 years of age who is sad and determined and has a nervous twitch.

9) What called you to writing?
i honestly don't even know. 

10) Do you like killing off your characters?
never tried, probably do.

11) Have you gotten published?

here is my 150 word snippet from my WIP Entertain Me:
Knowledge. Love. Looks. advertisements for each of these things, and many more, poured out from speakers around the city. Cassy tried to ignore them, but try as she might, the words were drifting into the chip implanted in her brain and causing her to stop for a moment and turn around, asking herself whether or not she should go inspect the nearest Cash-O-Mart to find some of those drugs. But Cassy had to keep going, or else she would be loaded with shopping bags filled with Cupid’s Pills, Knowledge Capsules and too much more. She needed to keep moving, her position at the Ancient Entertainment Facility probably being auctioned off as she sped along the electro-pavement, her head down and not quite looking anyone in the eye. Of course, that was not by choice, she needed them not to see that she was about to crack under pressure, which ultimately lead to her nervous twitch to come back.

My Questions:
these are exactly the same questions i used
1) Write on paper or on the computer?
2) On average, how many words do you write in one session?
3) Fanfiction: yay or nay?
4) Have you ever done NaNoWriMo? If so, did you win, and did you like or dislike it?
5) Do you share your writing with your family/close friends?
6) What are some of the most helpful pieces of writing advice you've heard?
7) Do you write poetry?
8) Describe 3 characters from stories that you've written.
9) What called you to writing?
10) Do you like killing off your characters?
11) Have you gotten published?

i tag
anyone who wants to do this tag.

thank you for reading, have a great day, morning evening or night.

x rose


  1. Hey Rose!

    I just wanted to say that it feels so great to see the tag that I created a couple of months ago, on someone's blog that I never knew about. I am totally following you, due to the source of books!

    1. Thanks for following! Your tag is great!


Sup. A little bird told me you're about to leave a comment on one of my posts. That's fine, I appreciate it! But please do not comment anything rude or offensive. Well, happy commenting.

Rose :3