Friday 22 January 2016

Snazzy Snippets- Alpaca Tent

I'm sorry, I know I've already posted today, but I've decided to do Snazzy Snippets! Snazzy Snippets is a blog link up are you share snippets of your story. It is co-hosted by Alyssa at The Devil Orders Takeout! Well, let's get started!

A Snippet Of 16 Words Or Fewer



A Snippet About Something New

Granite had bought a canvas tent, a present from Ms Anlid for painting the sign. Mona, on the other hand had brought hers off Mr Fishir, the tailor. It was made out of sheep wool, Ailston skin and the bottom was padded with werewolf fur (washed, of course). 

Well, I hope you enjoyed, have a nice day!

Rose :3S


  1. Alpaca tent ahahaha. I love your voice in these snippets -- so sassy and hilarious. Thanks for linking up with us!


Sup. A little bird told me you're about to leave a comment on one of my posts. That's fine, I appreciate it! But please do not comment anything rude or offensive. Well, happy commenting.

Rose :3